Love Letters

Tips on photography: Composition

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

As true as it is, some rules of thumb should be known in order to make a "beautiful" photograph. Composition of the photograph is essential to accentuate the important parts of the picture. I personally find it hard to compose the perfect picture to fill inside the frame. A balance within the frame that is just right to draw people in seeing the essence of the image. The ones I thought was perfect can sometimes be the ones causing the most frowns from people.

The rule of thirds is one practical guide on composition you can apply. It is a technique where you align the important elements of the-would-be-picture on two equally-spaced horizontal and two equally-spaced vertical lines that divides the frame into nine equal sections. To give you an idea of what it means, take a look at the picture here: notice how the man is positioned aligned with one of the imaginary vertical lines. 
